weird conclusion
i was driving home tonight listening to Nickle Creek. They are a good band, i was listening to the song "Jealous of the Moon", and it goes at one point:"Stairin' down the stars/ Jealous of the Moon/ You wish you could fly/ Your stayin' where you are/ there's nothing you can do, if your too scared to try"
That line struck a chord with me. If i don't try at something its not going to just happen, whether its work, problems with friends, or love, if i don't put forth an effort nothing will happen. You cannot be 'too scared to try', or life will pass you by.
I think i will put this knowledge to good use.
Other parts of my life are changing as well, i'm moving on from some things that have been hindering me, leaving me too sentimental. As Ben Folds would say "there's a moment in my mind i've scribbled and erased a thousand times", that would describe me, but if im not careful, i'll just be drawing and erasing the same old image, and not creating new ones. Ya, i think that's all i want to say for now
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