I wrote this about a year ago.
Why do i write better then than now? I think i've changed a lot, i want to return to this state of mind:i dont really know
im really bored right now so if thought i would just sit down and right about whatever came to mind. hmm... i wish i had a band-aid for my mouth when i was at a loss for words. You know those times when you are just stunnded by something or someone that all you can do is the uh uh uh thing. maybe its just me but i blather on like an idiot. I was also just thinking about the people i "help" at work. Those guys who come in and put on shoes that are 379.00 and buy them without even walking in them. 1) Why did they try those on? Is it because they look nice? Yes they do, but they are not the nicest looking shoe on the wall. and 2) this is my real point, DO I WANT TO BE LIKE THAT? Do i want to be so wealthy that things that are ridiculously expensive become mere trifles? I wonder where people like that place value? I don't have an anwser for that, thats why im asking all of you guys out there. My last sort of point, i guess, is why did i start blogging. I guess the imeditate anwser would be to tell everyone something instead of just e-mailing it to everyone. Those that know me well know how lazy i am. But the deeper anwser is, i guess, that it feels good just to sit down and right. hearing the sound of the keys pitter pattering away as i type is relaxing. Since i'm out of school i don't get to type enough, and now when i do its really enjoyable. Probably because its not a english assignment or something.
Another thing that just came across my mind was where do we as individuals get our identity. This thought was spawned by my friend Kara. She's writing her under-grad paper on it. But more to the point... My question is where do we get our individual identity from? what drives us, where do we get our sense of self. Where do we get that sense of uniqueness? I think a great deal of our identity comes from our friends, the people we hang out with and talk with on a daily basis. I know it seems pretty simple. But it must go deeper than that because we hang out with people that share similar intrests as us, but where do we get those intrests? Is it from our parents, i think so. There is evidence of musical talent being passed on through the gene pool.
Wow I just wrote a whole lot of nothing, asked a bunch of questions that i didn't anwser, if you actually read this i want a comment, anything. just let me know you read that "thing" above
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