Saturday, February 24, 2007


i haven't posted in a while, i've been busy, so to make up for it i will have to make this one a doozy.

So today i went to the World of Wheels down at the Saddle Dome. It was pretty fun, lots and lots of cars. Almost too many. I felt kind of bad knowing that someone spent hundreds of hours to prepare a car and glanse at it for a second and think "hmm, not bad", when really if I had seen any of those cars on the street I would have though "WOW!!"

Afterward we strolled over to see Ken King, who is the president of the Calgary Flames, and i also got to meet Daryl Sutter, who is the GM and who was the coach of the Flames for years, up until this season. Apparently my dad was offered tickets to the all-star game in Dallas and her turned them down. I mean...???? Fly down on Ken Kings jet and see the all-star game for free!

I went and saw a couple of movies recently. I saw Ghost Rider, and The Bridge to Tarabithia. One of them was excellent, and one was not. I'll let you guess which was better, a little hint: I cried in one of them.

I also discovered that it takes 2 hours for me to make it from my house to Falconridge in NE calgary, thats 2 trains and 1 bus. I went and visited a friend at work. Now people are wondering 'why would you travel 2 hours to visit someone at work?' To which i say 'why not'.

I don't know what else to write at the moment, oh, other than NEVER EVER RENT CHANANGO!!


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