Tuesday, February 06, 2007


So in my nature of religion class today we discussed freud. anyone who knows anything about freud will know how much he loves religion. i was soooo surprised when his theory of religion came back to the oedipus complex. for those of you who don't know what freuds theory is, here you go:
There was a group of people that he called a Primal Horde (real positive huh) and they moved around doing only what they got the urge to do, and they were rulled by an alpha male. Whenever the alpha male had a son that was old enough to challenge him, the son was kicked out of the family. Eventually the sons banded together and killed the father, but they felt regret about this and took up a totem animal(sacred) to represent him. Once a year or so they would kill and eat this animal to represent killing their father and they consuming his power.

Freud, as i sacastically illuded to earlier, did not like religion. He felt that we had no use for it. Here is my probem with Freud. He seems to have just created his own religion, the religion of psychotherapy. He, Freud, is the god of this religion. In many psychology circles Freuds words are unquestioned. In a funny sort of way he seems to have commited this Patricide towards God and seems to put himself out there as a little bit of a god. I dunno, any comments would be appreciated


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