Sunday, January 21, 2007

My thoughts on finding a girl....

Hmmm dating, what an interesting topic. If you read some of my previous posts you’ll probably understand why I am venturing towards this realm, walking the tight rope of cliché. Last year I put a satellite radio in my car, well its not really installed in my car, more like clinging to; in a manor that’s very parasitic… but I digress. So I have been listening primarily to music with this thing, but I thought to myself today “I am kind of sick of music right now, so what can I listen to that might be different?” I didn’t really want to listen to Howard Stern, reason being is because he is crass and just plain annoying. So I am flipping through the stations an I find the Catholic Network and I decided to listen to it. I grew up a Christian, but attended a catholic school. The people on the show had a guest in that wrote a book about dating. The guest made some very interesting points. She said, and here I thought I was the only one that thought this, that people should be complete and happy with themselves before they go off and want to find someone. This is because, and she explained, people tend to expect more of someone if they don’t feel fulfilled themselves. See to me this makes perfect sense. Watching movie’s where the main character, usually a man, says to a woman “You complete me”, or even better “You are the ying to my yang” or, “You are my better half”, usually made me question this concept of, why? Why are they your other half? Why do they complete you? It has always come off corny to me. To me, an attractive person is someone who has their life figured out and know who they are, it is not someone searching to fill some void in themselves, because I know I would not want to live up to that pressure, why would I want to put that onto someone else. I have a feeling I will write more on this, lots of thoughts all of a sudden, but people don’t like to read blogs that are 10 pages long at a time… I know I don’t.


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