Monday, January 08, 2007

Happy New Year

i don't know how to do this entry without coming off creepy. So for your information i just need everyone to know im not as creepy as this entry may or may not sound. okay.

Recently i've become a victim of perfume. Man those perfume makers know what they are doing. Studies indicate that smell is the sense most strongly linked to memory, or so my psych. prof told us. I really do believe this because the other day i had some friends over to my house and we sat down to watch this bollywood movie called "Don" because... well... i think its obvious. But unfortunatly our DVD player in our living room is crap and wouldn't read the disk, so it was off to my room to watch the movie. Now I usually don't have people in my room, this is because i don't usually have people over, the reason is mainly due to a lack of "fun" at my house. But i digress. So we sit down to watch the movie and it starts, i think at this point i need to mention that my two friends happened to be girls, a group that rarely, if ever enters my room; and certanly not to watch movies. But anyway there we were laying on my bed watching this movie. I noticed that one of my friends was wearing her usually perfume. So after the movie i drove them home and that was that. I got into bed that night and her perfume was all over my blankets. Okay, so here is were i might come off creepy, rest assured im not...really...hmmm. The second i smelled it i thought of her, it was weird, kind of like an involentary reaction. But it did smell good. So that perfume was there until about yesterday or so, when it had finaly faded. But every night when i climbed into bed, i would smell it and think of her. Huh, i don't think that came off as creepy as i thought that it would.
Well , goodnight


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