Thursday, May 18, 2006


I've come to realize more and more how similar people are to each other. For example we all have the same needs, this is based on Mazlows (if that spelling is right i'll be surprised) need pyramid. We all need food, shelter, clothing, then comes human contact. Such as love and affection, feelings of success is also a need. This thought came to the surface as i was reading a blog by The Wandering Scribe ( she is a lady that is living in her car on the out-skirts of London. She's just trying to make her way in the world. It is quite riviting. You can tell from the emotion behind her beautiful writing that this is not a fraud or a hoax, but for real. But more to the point, she talks about her life and her realationships with society and the people around her. As you appear grungier, you become more outcast. This does make sense. This is typical of human nature, we judge by what we see on the outside, thus not getting to judge on the inside. We are all guilty of it, I know i sure am. This is one thing that i am really trying to work on in my life right now. How to not judge people. It is very hard, im trying to beat the whole first thought of judgement. Not that attitude that comes after you judge someone, but not even having the thought of it in the first place. I wish i could treat everyone the same, but it is hard. For instance, and i'll use my job as a prime example: Two men walk into the shoe department, one man picks up the $49.00 sale shoes, the other picks up the $300.00+ nice shoes. Who do you show better service to. In an ideal world you serve both equally. But in the world of numbers and sales, you almost ignore the sales shoes guy and go onto expensive shoes guy. Another one that i come across a lot is the effect of apperances. Here is one thing i know for sure: If you look rich; you are treated rich, similarily, if you appear poor; you are treated as if you are poor. This has been brought to my attention a few times by customers and friends and through personal experience. One man came into our department dressed in dirty sweatpants, an old tee-shirt and he hadn't shaved in a couple of days. He said that no one in clubs would help him because he looked homeless. So i helped him try on some shoes. Then he asked about the $275.00 callaway shoes, so i let him try a pair on in his size. He proceded to pull a gold watch out of his pocket to check the time, he then said i'll take em, picked up his shoes and left. Another man in a suit and tie that i was helping at the same time bought the cheapest shoes that we had, he looked rich, but wasn't.

Before this gets too long, i'll tell you about an experice of mine that i had on tuesday. My dad's work, The Calgary Dream Centre, just had a baby grand piano donated to them, so i went down to check it out and practice on it. It was, by the way, very nice except for the C below middle C would stick 75% of the time, so i brought it to my dads attention and he said it would be fixed.
But anyway, what the Dream Centre is, is a rehablitation centre for recovering addicts.
So i went upstairs to have supper, and ended up having supper with a guy that is recovering from a crack. It was sad and upraisning as well. You could tell he was a man on the brink. One misstep, and he was back in his hell living on the street. One right step and he was back living with his family.

Thats all for now i guess. I'm tired


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