Monday, June 02, 2008


I apologize for my lack of posting recently, i've been sort of Missing In Action. Im not sure what i want to write about, but i just got the urge to write something down, to let people know i was actually still alive and well. I have been working quite a bit lately, which accounts for most of my absence (today im working 12 hours). I think i need to make a point to this blog, it seems to mirror my life quite well. Im not saying my life is pointless, far from it actually, my life has pointedness (hmmm), or is that pointfullness, or maybe just a point. But what i mean is that i think my life needs direction. The downside to loving so much of life is that i find it so incredibly hard to choose what i want to do with the rest of my life. I know that i don't want to spend the rest of my life working in a golf retail store though. I want to do something that i love, after i find what that it, it doesn't really matter how much i make, as long as i can support my family. I've come to realize, mostly from talking to people where my dad works, that money is indeed not everything, and that it indeed cannot buy happiness. See, here is how my mind works. If i look at all these people that i sell expensive clothes and shoes to, or i see all these people driving fancy cars, they are all still striving for something, to get more, and more and more, they are never happy. I saw a shirt a couple days ago in the GAP that said SHOES, CARS, MONEY in big letters, but, in between each word it said "Isn't plenty enough". I chuckled at the immese irony of the shirt being in the GAP, but, inside i thought, 'why can't it'. If i have all this money, and plenty is not enough, that means that money does not satisfy. That means something else must, but what? I think the anwser is God. Right now im in the process of discovering my faith, and throwing away my inherrited faith, i cannot survive on a faith passed down to me. If i gain this faith that my parents have, i have no chance at standing up to a clever person that questions me about it. I was reading a book briefly in Chapters called "The Reason for God" and it was saying that Christians need to start to look at their doubts, and fix them, they must 'doubt their doubts' i thought that was very clever and witty. Maybe i thought this because i am in the same process.

I work with some people that get on my nerves, and i find myself constantly asking God for patience and for peace. One of them is my department manager. I find him to be quite arrogant and cocky in the way he conducts his buisness. If people know me, they know that i try to not be cocky or arrogant, its acutally one of my big pet peeves, so having a boss that is the same way can be very annoying, maybe God put him in my path to test me. What bugs me most about the way that he acts is that he has no legitimate reason to act this way. This is because he has only been in the store for a few months, in comparrison to my 2 years. I have a greater history with the products and the service of this kind of clientel. He constantly interrupts me while im talking to a customer to tell the customer totally different, and in some casses wrong about the product im showing them. I bite my tounge though, but i get the urge to show him up in front of customers to show my vastly superiour intellect (thats a joke, i don't think it came across as such though). These are the moments that i ask God for patience and peace.
So that is a bit of an update on my life, there is still lots going on, maybe even a potential girlfriend (those starbucks barristas are awfully cute ;)


At 2:28 p.m. , Blogger Just Me said...

Hmm.. don't you love working with people that are jerks?!? The crappy thing is (as you mentioned in your blog), that God put them there for a reason. And that reason might be so you'll learn to deal, or it might be so that you'll find those qualities in yourself and correct them. The other crappy thing that you have to realize is this, "Beloved, if God so loved us, we also ought to love one another." (1 John 4:11) There is no place in Scripture that says that difference in personality negates our obligation to show a person love and kindness. Awww.. shoot. You actually might be surprised to find out you have a lot to learn from your coworkers that are jerks. And anyway, maybe the guy just really needs to find Jesus. Pray for him...


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